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EARssentials: Concepts and Techniques of Contemporary Hearing Research

Confocal image of spiral ganglion neurons in a cross-section of a postnatal day 0 mouse cochlea.
Confocal image of spiral ganglion neurons in a cross-section of a postnatal day 0 mouse cochlea.
Source: Tessa Sanders, Ph.D.

EARssentials is a free course that provides students with an overall conceptual view of the auditory system as well as exposure to laboratory techniques unique to research on the inner ear. The primary audience for this course is new intramural NIDCD trainees at all levels. We also welcome attendees from other institutions and others who want to learn about concepts related to the auditory system.

EARssentials is hosted and taught primarily by scientists at the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

Descriptions of past EARssentials courses are available in the Previous Events section of this page. Archived lectures from previous courses are available on the EARssentials 2021 page.

Contact Elyssa Monzack, Ph.D., NIDCD Deputy Scientific Director, for more information about the course.


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